Ukraine, Kherson,
str. Rabochaya 82 a
+38 (050) 396 28 88
+38 (067) 552 64 77

About company

Kherson suction dredgers company “VVV-Spetstekhnika” was founded in 2006 and specializes in production of suction dredgers of HCC mark, agreed with Ukraine's Register of Shipping projects, improving and modernizing the dredgers of any brand. The company has implemented a quality management system ISO 9001:2008 for the construction, improvement, modernization and repair of ships, hull structures, ship equipment and dredgers. Besides, the enterprise has a Certificate of compliance with the standards of the Shipping Register of Ukraine related to the realization of building, re-equipment, modernization and repair of the ships, hull structures, ship equipment. 

At the moment, VVV-SPETSTEKHNIKA is suction dredgers factory with own registered brand HCC. In the staff of enterprise are employees with higher technical education and years of experience: designers, engineers, technicians and other specialists.

In order to protect the copyright of the manufactured products, the company registered own intellectual creation in the state register of Ukrainian patents for utility models results.

Today, model range of dredgers is presented in 11 major series of 64 modifications that allows offer to our customers the most satisfying dredgers to their needs and objectives. The company produces dredgers  with different productivity: from 15 m3/hour to 3000 m3/hour of the soil.

Depth of the development from 0,5 to 5…28 meters from water surface.

Input / discharge system of dredgers from 6'/4' to 28'/24'. 

Dredgers are made on the basis of HCC projects 60-2000/23,3-67 . developed by specialists of the enterprise, as well as the "General specifications for engineering products" (OST 36-085086), "Rules for Classification and Construction of Inland Navigation Vessels" river Register of Ukraine "," regulations for Electrical, "" Sanitary Rules for inland Navigation Vessels "," Uniform Rules for safety in the development of mineral deposits open method "PB03-498-02.

Also company has a certificate of compliance with the requirements of the enterprise of the Shipping Register of Ukraine № SVP 32-3-11-10. 

The company supplies equipment to the domestic market of Ukraine and to customers from abroad.

Over the entire period of operation, HCC dredgers have been produced for customers from: Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, France, Belgium, Germany, Turkey, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Congo, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, the island of Martinique.

After the delivery of the equipment, the specialists of the enterprise carry out installation and commissioning works on the territory of the customer.

  • 30.08.2012 the company received the Certificate of Compliance of the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008, No. 31-351-12.
  • 26.12.2012 the enterprise received the award "Leader of the Branch 2012", took second place in Ukraine among enterprises engaged in the construction, modernization and repair of ships.
  •  28.12.2012, the national certificate "Production Leader of 2012"  was received and the company was awarded a medal.
  • 25.01.2013 the trade mark of the enterprise was registered: "HCC".
  • 10.10.2014 received the national certificate "Leader of the Branch 2014" and the company was awarded a medal
  • 22.12. 2015, the national certificate "Leader of the Branch 2015" was received and the enterprise was awarded a medal
  • 25.12.2016, the national certificate "Leader of the Branch 2016" was received and the company was awarded a medal.
  • 30.08. 2017, the national certificate "Enterprise of the Year 2017" was received and the enterprise was awarded a medal
  • 05.10.2017 the certificate "Trustworthy Enterprise" was received
  • 30.11.2018, the national certificate "Choice of Ukraine 2018" was received and the company was awarded a medal
  • 15.12.2019, the national certificate "Choice of Ukraine 2019" was received and the company was awarded a medal
  • 10.10.2020 the national certificate "Leader of the Branch 2010" was received
  • 05.10.2020 the national certificate "Enterprise of the Year 2020" was received
  • 15.10.2021 the national certificate " Leader of the Branch 2021" was received

Always glad to long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation!

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